I think most of us at least think about making resolutions at this time each year. Some follow through and make resolutions. Some even keep their resolutions. Me, I get to the making resolutions part, but 12 months is a really long time! This year, however I'm determined. I have two:
1. eat healthier (again) Hopefully I have more luck at it this time around.
2. Keep up with this blog. So far so good. I still keep hoping for more readers, but I haven't gotten discouraged yet. Patience....
I came across this posting which has some tips on being more successful in keeping your resolutions:
What I have found in my own life, is that I have made a crucial change over the past couple of years. It was not related to a resolution, per se, but it has been a very important and positive change. I slowly pulled my head out of the sand and began paying a lot more attention to what is going on in the world. I guess this blog is the next logical step.
So I chose this topic for this post to ask all who read it to consider resolving a few things in this important election year.
1. Keep watching, listening to, and reading the news. Pay attention to what the candidates are saying, and pay attention to what media outlets are saying about the candidates. Be informed!
2. Keep in mind that media is NOT objective. Take everything with a grain of salt. Follow media on BOTH sides of the political playing field, and form your own opinions. Be an independent and critical thinker!
3. Make an active decision what issues are most important to YOU in this election -- give it some thought, and make sure you know the positions of the candidates.
4. VOTE! But cast an informed vote. Whatever your political leanings, the only "wasted" vote is one that has been cast thoughtlessly.
Our nation is at a critical point. The world is in great turmoil. I am not advocating any one candidate or party. I am urging you to sort through the oft-biased sound bytes and campaign ad propaganda to find out what the candidates are really about, what is important to you, and do your duty as an American citizen.
Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Resolutions
Posted by
Tracy Brady
10:01 AM
Labels: election politics, media, new year, news, resolutions, vote